Groundwater level monitoring has become increasingly important with growing areas of drought and the need to manage water supply demands from agricultural, industrial, environmental and domestic users. Traditional methods of water level measurement include water level tapes, level loggers, bubblers and pressure sensors. All of which require that an object and a line be lowered into the well. This opens the well up to possible contamination, places the liability on the parties monitoring the well and causes homeowners to be resistant to allowing monitoring of their wells.

With the acoustic meters there is nothing to lower into the well and NO RISK OF PFAS CONTAMINANTS! The probe is simply placed in the vent cap or on top of the piezometer tube and uses low frequency sound waves to measure the distance to the water level. Our meters are small enough to fit in your pocket and produce measurements down to 7000 ft in seconds, without the labor intensive process of reeling a tape down, up and decontaminating it. They are also cost effective alternatives to tapes which can be expensive to purchase and repair.
Our water level indicators come in two configurations. The first is a semi-permanent model which is designed to be mounted at a particular well for continuous data and supervision. The Well Watch 670 is designed to measure and display the well water depth locally on its LCD display screen. It includes an internal data logger, capable of storing up to 25 million time/date stamped data points, and the ability to communicate with external data collection or telemetry and control systems.