Whether you are doing a quick static water level measurement or a full certification water draw down and yield test, Eno Scientific’s Well Sounder 2010 PRO is right for you!
This hand held water well level meter is small enough to fit in your pocket yet powerful enough to measure a static water level over 7000 feet deep. There is nothing to get tangled or stuck in the well, no time unreeling and reeling a heavy tape, and no concern about contaminating a well or decontaminating your equipment afterward. The Well Sounder 2010 PRO is battery operated and comes ready to go out of the box, complete with batteries and protective carrying case.
Operation is simple, place the probe in the vent hole, press the “on” button, wait a few seconds, and read the depth on the display. That is all there is to it.
If you want to record the reading, press the “LOG” button, and the reading is recorded internally in a non-volatile memory. Even if the batteries are removed, the memory stays protected.
But that is not all! How often have you stood in the freezing mud with a clip board and a tape, to record the water level every 5 or 10 minutes for hours at a time? Now you can let your Well Sounder 2010 PRO do the work for you while you go to another site or just sit in your nice warm truck. Simply press the “SET” button a few times, to turn on automatic logging, and it becomes a full featured water level data logger, recording the water level at whatever interval you request along with the time, date, temperature, and well ID for every measurement. When you get back to the office, you can scroll through the data or connect it to your computer and download all of the data in a format easy to use with Excel for example.

Many other features are included in the Well Sounder 2010 PRO, such as the serial output for remote monitoring and control, automatic calculations for drawdown rates and well capacity. The power saver setting allows the unit to work on its 6 AA batteries for weeks at a time or use the optional external power source. And of course, all of Eno Scientific’s well sounder products can be set to read in metric or english.

Need more than just water levels? The Well Sounder is compatible with our WS131 Flow Meter. When used together you will get lines of data including what your levels and flow data were at any given point.
Get the Well Sounder 2010 PRO, add in the WS131 Flow Meter now or later OR get the WS2100 Flow Meter Kit which includes all of the equipment conveniently stored in an industrial carrying case.