710 Controller Specifications:
Heavy duty ABS housing
DImensions: 4.8 x 4 x 2.36″
Weight: .5 lbs
Din rail or flange mounting, Designed for dry locations

Units – English (ft & in), Metric or Imperial
Range – 15 to 7000 ft (5 to 2100M)
Resolution – .05 ft
Accuracy – .1 ft
External Power – 12 to 36VDC at 300mA max (with all options enabled)
Real Time Clock- Li Ion 3V battery CR2032
Temperature – -20 to 175 F (-25 to 80 C)
Humidity – 5 to 95% non-condensing
Extended Memory – 2GB nonvolatile flash memory for 25 million data points
Automatic Logging Rates – 1 sec to 1 day per sample

RS232 Serial Port: Baud 300-57600, format selectable (19200 baud,8,1,n default),
streaming output, programming interface
RS485 Serial Modbus Port: baud 300-57600, RTU/ASCII (19200 baud,8,1,n default)
SDI12 Serial Port: baud 1200, 7 data bits, even parity
Ethernet: Modbus TCP, Webserver
Alarm Output: Isolated relay contact 250V AC .25A (30VDC 2A) max
Pump Control Output: isolated relay contact 250V AC .25A (30VDC 2A) max
Pulsed Flowmeter Input
Analog Output: 0-5V and independent 4-20mA

730 Probe Specifications:
Type 304 Stainless steel weatherproof housing
DImensions: 4.4 x 4.4 x 10.15″
Weight: 10 lbs
Well pressure up to 100 psi
2″ FPT Connection to well access port
Power supplied by 710 Controller (Weatherproof conduit connnection for strain relief or sealtite connectors)
Temperature – -20 to 175 F (-25 to 80 C)
Humidity – 5 to 95% non-condensing
4 wire to 710 Controller